Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Three Rivers School: The Pioneering Years 1961 - 1971

 Here's a link to the Borneo Post article about the book: 

The Pioneering Years

Wilbert Kho has supplied his phone number in the article as a point of contact if you're interested in purchasing the book. Here is his email: wilbertkho1956@gmail.com

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Reunion in Kuching, Sarawak, Sept. 2010

There was a lot of laughter as stories of chicken napping, coconut and rambutan stealing were remembered ... ah, the days of our childhood ... of long hot days and rides to the beach. The years have gone by but the memories are still as clear as day ... and of those we could not quite remember, there were enough people around to remind us.

Reenacting the many dances we all performed in all the school concerts at St. Patrick's and Three Rivers'

L-R: Wilbert, Usup, Maliha, Abby, John, Evelyn, Joairidah, Edith, Priscilla, Ramon, Peter, Sulaiman, Catherine James.

The group of five together again; Maliha, Abby, Evelyn, Jo & Edith

The years have gone by but the friendship remains

 Reliving the old days

Iman (Priscilla's daughter) messing with Catherine

 All together now except for Ramon who is still trying to figure why he was not in the school picture

Where was I? asks Ramon

Maliha, Catherine and Edith being healthy and eating fruits

Priscilla, Wilbert, Evelyn and Priscilla's sons, L-R: Johann & Jeremy

Well here is the school picture -- where was Ramon?

Happy Birthday, Evelyn!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Reunion in Kuching

There will be a reunion in Kuching on a river cruise on Sept. 16, 2010, 7 - 10 pm! Spread the word! Sail down memory lane with your former classmates as we cruise down/up the Sarawak River. Chat, laugh and cry as we recall those long ago days. There will be food too (not the chickens or cococnuts of the boys' days -- you know who you are), so come if you can. Many thanks to Edith Phoa for putting everything together! Contact Edith at edithphoa@yahoo.com for more details.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Form Five Arts

Graduation 1976
Front L-R: Abdul Rani; Awang Abdul Wahab; Ismail Hj. Mawi (Mendaie);Sulaiman; Raymond Taki
Back L-R: Dayang Khamsiah; Edith Phoa; Evelyn Marie Joseph; Joairidah Seman; Abidah Biha; Malihabi Sait Hamat

Teacher: Mr. V.J. Mathew

Front: L-R: Henry Mikui, David Boniface, Salam Chimie, Wilson Gendin, Chan Ah Kui, Anthony Chan, Edward Juat, _, Ludan, Ambin
Middle: L-R: Rajeli, Sim Yew Kiang, Abidah Biha, Joairidah Seman, Hiew Mui Mui, Mr. Mathew, Evelyn Marie Joseph, Edith Phoa, Jaimah A. Razak, Dayang Khamsiah, Wee Geok Eng, Mahani Ulis
Back: L-R: _, _, Thomas, Raymond Taki, _,Sim Leh Hing, Munir, Martin, Goh Guan Kow, Walter Tabor, Morshidi, Hamzah

Friday, July 17, 2009

Magazine Club 1975 & 1976


Front row L-R: __, __, Ang Lim, Mr. Dido, Miss Ang, __, __, __
Middle row L-R: --, Evelyn Marie Joseph, Malihabi Sait Hamat, Edith Phoa, __, __, __, __
Back row L-R: __, __, __, __, __, __, __


Edith Phoa; Evelyn M. Joseph;

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Five Friends

Who will ever be able to explain the bonds of friendship? There we were, five girls from different walks of life, it was as if our souls recognized each other and held fast. Our circle was formed and we needed no one else. We did almost everything together. We biked to school, each waiting for the other; at recess we slurped our cendols and ate our kuih; we read Cry the Beloved Country and dreamed of all the places we would go; we suffered through dance practices and badminton games; we agonized over exams and complained about teachers; we laughed at each other's crushes; we stood on the beach with the wind in our hair and we had no idea where life would take us. We went on our journey, separate from each other, but life has come full circle and here we are back together again.

Abidah Biha (Abby)

Location: Miri, Sarawak
Status: Divorced
Children: Abdul Hafiz, Abdul Khaliq
Education: BA
Profession: Document Controller/Group Records
Mgt & Space Mgt
Hobbies: Writing, Reading, Travelling, some baking, cross-stitching
Misses: My friends from high school (TRS) & the

Aims: to get in touch with old friends

Memories: TRS was my first step on a journey of a thousand miles towards my life's destination and often the first step made a lasting impact. I have lived life full circle and I am now trying to get in touch with some friends I missed so much from my younger years as they have helped me shape my decision in life, we have made wonderful memories together. I remember wonderful friends who waited on one another and cycled to school together. I have lost a neighbour, a childhood friend and in particular a wonderful friend through sickness and for that sad event I want to keep in touch with my four wonderful girlfriends as often as I possibly can and am hoping that one day we will meet again, this time at a different phase of our lives. Friends come and go in our lives, but there are some who made a lasting impact and who have a special place in our hearts.


Malihabi Sait Hamat

Location: Kuching, Sarawak
Profession: Teacher - TESL
Education: BA
Married: Abang Patdeli
Children: Iqbal, Irma, Faizulfadi, Syamil, Izzah
Interests: Traveling, Cooking, Baking, Reading
Memories: I feel nostalgic when I remember all the friends from our TRS days and the ones from our primary school days -- Evelyn & Edith from the time when we were six years old, and then Jo and Abidah joined us from St. Patrick's and then TRS.


Evelyn Marie Joseph (Campbell)

Location: USA
Professions: Journalist; Law Librarian
Education: MS; MSLS
Married: John W.
Child: Sarah Christine
Interests: Writing, Reading, Traveling, Genealogy, Baking & Cooking, Sewing; Photography

Memories: It was at TRS that I saw the first glimmers of the endless possibilities of where my life could go. It was the beginning of the dream that took me far from everything I had ever known. I often look back with fondness on those sunny days and breezy afternoons and friends who made life all the better.
Misses: Family, Friends, Cendol & Satay
email: emajcamp@gmail.com


Edith Phoa

Location: Kuching, Sarawak
Profession: Manager
Interests: Reading, gardening, travelling & badminton.
Memories: Remembering the wonderful and happy times at TRS -- cycling to school, eating cendol and waiting for each other rekindles that wonderful friendship of wonderful friends that I have till today.


Hjh Joairidah Hj. Seman

Location: Mukah, Sarawak
Profession: Headmistress SK Penakup Ulu, Mukah
Interests: Cooking, TV, reading, travelling
Memories: I will never forget my "cinta kuyad" or my friends at TRS.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Where Are They Now?

Reconnect with your former classmates! Let folks know where your life's journey has taken you since leaving Three Rivers School. Send an email to the blog master with your information and a recent photo and she will be happy to add you to the list.

Busing Jali

Location: Bintulu, Sarawak
Profession: Crane Manager/Specialist in heavy lifting
Married: Naja Ak Banta
Children: 3 boys & 2 girls
Interests: Hunting & Fishing
Memories: Hardship of struggling for a living
Email: busing@air-marine.com
H/P: +60 (0) 19 855 2299

Hj. Ismail Hj. Mawi (Mendaie)
Location: Dalat, Sarawak
Profession: Headmaster Dalat (Sungai Ud) Primary School
Education: BA (Malay Studies), Cert. in Counseling & Guidance
Married: Hjh Mariam Rasidi
Children: 4 girls & 3 boys: Qurratuaaini (Petronas Universiti); Afiq Farouqi (KL Universiti), Nurul Iffah (Kedah Community College), Fakhrul Razi (Accounting Matriculation Labuan), Nurul Atiqah, Fakhrul Hazim and Nurul Aqilah (still in Three Rivers)
Interests: Reading, cycling, making and eating umai
Memories: In SPS Anuar and I were sacked out of the class after laughting at Mrs. Phang during Maths lesson. In TRS I began to meet many new friends and Sim Yew Siang taught me how to speak Iban. The first verse I learned from him was "aku sulu ke nuan, anang lupa ke semaia tua" which means "saya cinta kamu dan jangan lupa janji kita" and I was asked to communicate this to Mariah. Mariah got angry with Sim because she knew that Sim was teaching me.
Email: ismailmawi@yahoo.com

Rajeli Dema

Location: Miri, Sarawak
Profession: Occupational Health Practitioner
Married: To Shirley
Children: Aliza (Bibi), Emillia, Malcolm
Memories: Wonderful memories of friends at TRS and borrowing Abidah's bicycle to learn to ride ... and ok I admit I had a crush on her.
Email: Rajdema@yahoo.com

Raymond (Ramon) Taki

Location: Kuching, Sarawak
Profession: Executive Director Polyflow Teguh Sdn Bhd; Production Manager in Kutex Sdn Bhd
Married: To Lucy Rinder Taim
Children: Brian Rhadamantyne, Rhaquel Pamela, Rhustylia Joyner, Rhymoner Phylushier, Rhozeanburg Roderigous
Interests: Music, bowling
Email: ramontaki@yahoo.com.sg

Dayang Khamsiah Awg Omar
Location: Bintulu. Sarawak
Profession: HR (Training) Executive
Married to: Ali Ngasio
Children: Reen, Diddy & Wanny
Interests: Travelling, reading and sewing (cross-stitch)
Memories: Our school motto "MIND, BODY & SPIRIT", our school song and the last time I sang this song was during a re-union dinner in Kuching in 199?, cutting que to get a bowl of cendol, Mr Bruce @ Mr Kumalo (he was in Bintulu in 1982) and a lot more. To all our ex-TRS especially the F4A/F5A friends, do keep in touch.
Email: deekayomar@gmail.com

Henry Mikui (Mohd Hazre)
Location: Bintulu, Sarawak
Profession: Draughtsman, Asean Bintulu Fertilizer
Married: To Halimah Hj Jaraee
Children: Yuhanisa, Mohd Yulastre, Mohd Jeffrey, Ayusuraya Baiduri
Email: mohdhazre@hotmail.com

Marcell Usup Pak

Location: Miri, Sarawak
Profession: Business owner
Married: To Dayang Lasung
Children: Noel, Nathanael, Nadeen, Nehemiah, Samuel
Email: larisantiara07@yahoo.co.uk

Augustine Kupang,

BOCC Assistant Production Controller,
Sarawak Shell Berhad, BINTULU.
e-mail: Augustine.Kupang@shell.com
Tel: 086-852206/852270